Sunday, December 27, 2009
it's all about flexibility
Today I feel like I feel like the scales have tipped and I have a lot more to complain about than be thankful for. Everything seems to come with a bottom line. Yes, I am thankful I have a wonderful and loving husband, who is on yet another trip after five whole days at home, and will have been gone 24 of the last 30 days, yeah. Yes, I am thankful we live in a great house in a great neighborhood, only 3,000 miles away from my closest family and friends. Yes, I am grateful I have two bright and beautiful children, who haven't napped all week - well, to be fair I have to say haven't napped in their own beds. But come on people, they are one and two years old, napping is not an option, especially when Josh is away and that is the only chance I get to eat, sleep or spit. So, they got some car naps in last week due to the Christmas errand shuffle, but now that it's cold out, the car naps always present a problem once we actually get home. Yes, you could try carrying them in ever so delicately, holding your breath as you attempt to transfer each to their bed. Of course it is always precisely at that time when the phone rings, or the horse of a dog barks next door (which, if you've actually ever seen the 5' x 7' 'side yards' here, you'd understand why this is a problem. The first time I thought the dog was actually in our house, I kid you not I was on my way to scoop up the kids.) So, car naps are not my favorite, although I guess I could just go sit in the car with them, after I grabbed the computer of course - because even though I could have fallen asleep standing up all day, the minute they close their little eyes, mine open a little wider, and I start thinking a little clearer. Hmm, car naps may be a good thing for the blog come to think of it. Well, I've resorted to putting them in the stroller. Yes, it's cold, but maybe that's part of the reason it works (don't worry, I throw a blanket or two over them, and I even usually make them wear their winter coat ;) Best of all, I can wheel the stroller in the house once they're out! You know, so I can not do dishes, laundry, mop, all those things I say I would be doing if they napped. Don't get me wrong, I haven't completely given up on the whole sleeping in their own beds thing, but after an hour and a half of singing, counting, reading, rocking, and finally just laying on the floor in hopes that a snoring model might send the message, we're all ready to give up. So, it was back to the stroller today. As I was observing the frost on the ground I wondered if this time it was maybe a bit too cold, but I was on a mission, and they were already looking limp. Amongst the frostbitten greenery, there was a few of those little plants that have those red balls on. Maybe they were berries, who knows. I actually didn't even notice the plants at first because they were all sprawled out flat on the ground, until I saw this one perfectly shaped circle popping up, like a little wreath. I actually first thought it was a Christmas decoration. Then I realized this was one of the only ones left standing probably because it did allow itself to bend, into a quite perfectly beautiful full circle, complete with little red ball decorations and all. Isn't that so true of life? We always need to be willing to bend, in order to avoid breaking. This helped me to see that I need to bend as a mother, in order not to break, or have a breakdown, however you want to say it. So, in life it's not so bad to bend, because the end result just might be that you're the only one left standing. Maybe by bending we're allowing God to shape us as he sees fit, even though we might not understand the reasoning at the time. I could only imagine what the little plant was thinking as it started resembling the loop on a roller coaster, while all it's buddies starting laying down, playing dead. Although if you're reading this Lord, please know I'm not as flexible as I used to be...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
a mushy mess
So, I've decided it's perfectly acceptable to bake cookies at 9am, as long as oatmeal is incorporated (never mind the dark and white chocolate chunks added for the appropriate sugar rush affect). I won't even mention how I justified making puppy chow at 8am last week (but it's not so bad when you realize I'd been up since 4 thanks to a toddler rebelling against time zone differences.) Back to the chewy, gooey, oatmeal, chocolaty perfection that was, well, anything but. Funny how my baking skills have declined in a way that is directly proportionate to the number of children I have, which is the same for my brain capacity as well, I'm sure. I still remember how to read, I used the right ingredients, I made sure nothing extra was added (or taken away) by my pint sized prep cook, but still they flopped. Running over the sides of the pan, dripping to the bottom of an oven that still smelled of the fresh plastic it was packed in when we moved in just a short month ago. I'm sure the fact that I was over zealous when it came to forming these masterpieces had nothing to do with them spreading out to 5+ inches and overflowing off the pan. Well, maybe a little. But that certainly didn't explain all of their short comings. They were a mushy mess, with golden brown edges, no doubt. Since I was unable to actually keep any in their proper shape while scraping them off the pan, this left ample opportunity for me to taste test, or so I tried to explain to my two year old. Fortunately (or unfortunately) enough, their taste was still superb, and I ate just enough to cause my teeth to actually start hurting - I wish I was kidding. But then I realized something. I have a lot in common with this mushy mess of wanna be cookies sitting on my counter. I have all the right ingredients, after all I am wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) in His image (Genesis 1:27). Most days I feel like nothing more than a mushy mess, closely resembling someone from the show What Not To Wear (and I'm not referring to the hosts), but to God I still taste sweet. I still have all the right ingredients. I am once again reminded that where I see a work in progress, He sees perfection. Take it one step further. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to lose our shape and form, then we may be more ready and willing to accept the one God has picked out for us already. Or in the case of the cookies, the shape and form didn't matter, they still tasted amazing, just as they were supposed to.
Friday, December 4, 2009
God Gave Us... Blog Tour

God Gave Us Christmas and God Gave Us Love by Lisa Tawn Bergen
You may recognize this author from her previous best selling book, God Gave Us You. The stories are just as sweet as the illustrations. In God Gave Us Love, Little Bear and Grandpa begin a conversation about different kinds of love while on a fishing trip. Grandpa patiently answers all of Little Bear's questions, and goes on to tell him of a God-size love. To learn more or purchase this one, visit here.
God Gave Us Christmas provides such crucial information for little ones during this holiday season. Little Bear begins to ask questions about Christmas and Santa, which provides an opportunity for Mama to teach him about God, and the true meaning of Christmas. Through this warm story, they conclude that Jesus is the best present of all. To learn more or purchase this book (it would make a great Christmas present!) try here.
My son, Caleb, has just adored these books. In fact, I think he brought them to us everyday the first week we received them. I have a very vivid memory of him even requesting their reading during his beloved bath time! Thank you to WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for providing our copy of these books!
Treasured Blog Tour

Knowing God by the Things He Keeps
written by Leigh McLeroy
Thanks to WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for providing me with a copy of this book. Here's the summary.
In Treasured, Leigh McLeroy considers tangible reminders of God’s active presence and guides readers in discovering evidence in their own lives of his attentive love.
“The idea for the book came from a cigar box filled with odds and ends of my grandfather’s life that arrived a few months after his death. Sifting through the objects in the box, I experienced him in a fresh new way. This made me wonder what treasures might be tucked away in Scripture that could frame God for me in an equally intimate, tangible way. This process also helped me uncover my own “treasures” of my walk with the Lord: objects that remind me of my history with him and his faithfulness to me,” says McLeroy.
Drawn from the pages of Scripture, the author considers twelve such treasures and personalizes their meaning for readers, such as a green olive branch that offers proof of God’s “new every morning” mercy and a scarlet cord that demonstrates his willingness to adopt “strays” of every sort.
Weaving these treasures together with scenes from her personal history, Leigh McLeroy invites readers to discover God’s heart for them and embrace their unique role in his redemptive story. Treasured offers readers a guided experience of God’s love and character and invites them to consider their own treasures that point to their part in God’s ongoing story.
While reading this book, at times I felt like I was having a devotional right here with the author. With such vivid, honest and even humorous examples from her own life, it's hard not to relate. She also offers new insight to well known bible stories, as well as relevant parallels to her own life. It is nice to be reminded that God is in the small stuff, down to the very last detail, and Leigh McLeroy takes us on a journey through scripture to show us exactly that. Whether it be a fig leaf, a fresh olive sprig, or a bloodstained piece of wood, God is in the details. For me, this book has sparked an interest into a more historical and thorough understanding of scripture (although don't tell my husband, he might start thinking I'll want to watch the History Channel or something!)
To find out more or to purchase this book, try here.
numero dos
Yes, this is actually my second blog. But I promise to love it (or ignore it) just as much as my first. I prefer to keep Life's a journey... not a destination as more of a scrapbook for us. This new creation, Strive for Simple, is born out of the need to have a separate place to write reviews, and to share our interests of living simply and naturally, with God as our numero uno, as well as future endeavors such as homeschooling. Enjoy! If anything else, this blog may serve as a great cure for insomnia.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Kiss Me Again Blogging for Books Tour
In Kiss Me Again, Barbara Wilson:
· Shares her own story of healing and renewed desire
· Helps women forgive themselves and their husbands for past choices
· Shows readers how to break free from “invisible bonds”
· Explains God’s plan for helping a husband and wife to re-bond
· Includes conversation helps for both wives and their husbands
· Helps couples reignite the passion that they thought was lost
Ultimately, is about restoring lost intimacy in marriage. I do have to warn though that this book gets pretty involved and even intense. It is geared toward a very specific audience, to be used more or less as a 'self help' guide along the lines of making peace with your past and enjoying the present. One thing I did find interesting was Hillerstroms' model of the five levels of vulnerability. For me, it put into words one of those underlying principals I could see at work in relationships, and I'm sure I've heard something similar in a psychology class or two. It brought new meaning though, the way it is applied to marriage. Overall, this book was very well written about sensitive issues with great Godly wisdom.
To learn more, visit the Random House, Inc site.
This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. To learn more or join the Blogging for Books program, try here.
· Shares her own story of healing and renewed desire
· Helps women forgive themselves and their husbands for past choices
· Shows readers how to break free from “invisible bonds”
· Explains God’s plan for helping a husband and wife to re-bond
· Includes conversation helps for both wives and their husbands
· Helps couples reignite the passion that they thought was lost
Ultimately, is about restoring lost intimacy in marriage. I do have to warn though that this book gets pretty involved and even intense. It is geared toward a very specific audience, to be used more or less as a 'self help' guide along the lines of making peace with your past and enjoying the present. One thing I did find interesting was Hillerstroms' model of the five levels of vulnerability. For me, it put into words one of those underlying principals I could see at work in relationships, and I'm sure I've heard something similar in a psychology class or two. It brought new meaning though, the way it is applied to marriage. Overall, this book was very well written about sensitive issues with great Godly wisdom.
To learn more, visit the Random House, Inc site.
This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. To learn more or join the Blogging for Books program, try here.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
and the winner is...
Amy, whom I just discovered has two blogs! You go girl, I'm still drooling over your recipes as well as your sweet little boy! Congrats, and God bless you on your new journey of everyday miracles! So glad to hear you will also be a future blogging for books participant!
Also, I'm looking for opportunities to expand and review other items, especially anything having to do with these young ins I have running around underfoot. Here's a special message from the eldest:
,. kkkkkkkkkiokkkkkkkiokoiiyftrf
According to him it says, "I typed!"
Also, I'm looking for opportunities to expand and review other items, especially anything having to do with these young ins I have running around underfoot. Here's a special message from the eldest:
,. kkkkkkkkkiokkkkkkkiokoiiyftrf
According to him it says, "I typed!"
Friday, September 18, 2009
You Were Born For This blog tour

Thanks to the program, Blogging for Books, I got a chance to read Bruce Wilkinson's new book You Were Born For This 7 Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles. I also have a copy to giveaway free to you! Here's the summary.
Anyone can do a good deed, but some good works can only happen by a direct intervention from God. Around the world these acts are called miracles—not that even religious people expect to see one any time soon. But what would happen if millions of ordinary people walked out each morning expecting God to deliver a miracle through them to a person in need? You Were Born for This starts with the dramatic premise that everyone at all times is in need of a miracle, and that God is ready to meet those needs supernaturally through ordinary people who are willing to learn how Heaven works.
In the straightforward, story-driven, highly motivating style for which he is known, Wilkinson describes how anyone can help others experience miracles in such universally significant arenas of life as finances, practical help, relationships, purpose, and spiritual growth.
You Were Born for This will change how readers see their world, and what they expect God can do through them to meet real needs. They will master seven simple tools of service, and come to say with confidence, “I want to deliver a supernatural gift from God to someone in need today—and now I know how!”
What did I think of the book? Well, it does present some neat insight into what Wilkinson calls 'everyday miracles.' I just love the first hand accounts of how God used him to meet a very pertinent need in some one's life, thus allowing him to be involved in the making of an everyday miracle. It clearly moves past coincidence to nothing short of miraculous when he gives a complete stranger the exact amount of money she had prayed for that morning to pay for rent (unbeknownst to him). These stories have the fingerprint of God all over it, so cool. Throughout the book, there are a few of these great testimonies to the everyday miracle territory. Overall though, the book almost reads like a 'how to' manual for partnering with God to help perform these everyday miracles. It has helped me to refocus and be more intentional, and per Wilkinson's advice, praying for situations where God can use me to help perform an everyday miracle in someone else's life. It's good stuff. Here's a chance to score your own copy. Leave me a comment with your thoughts on miracles. Do you believe in them, have you ever heard of one, been a part of one, prayed for one? Share your story. For me, hearing personal accounts of where God has stepped in always helps strengthen my faith. Alright, you have one week to enter the drawing, so go forth and comment. And if you can't come up with anything else, then just translate the word 'miracle' in a few different languages. That should be amusing enough.
Check out this video link of Bruce Wilkinson introducing the book.
Check here to find out more about how to purchase this or other Random House titles.
Check back on the 25th to see who the lucky winner is!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
and the winner
of a free copy of Blue Like Play Dough is (drumroll please because I know she's been waiting for this one).......
I thought I should mention that you have Josh to thank because with four whole entries I did go ahead and write names on a piece of paper, and he did the picking (no fancy hat though, just a kid's size plastic bowl, come to think of it, it was green like play dough). Congrats Kelly! Hope this makes your day.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
we have a winner, and another giveaway!
I would like to congratulate Adrianne on winning the Perfect Mess give-away! With two little girls under three, I think she can relate all too well! Congrats, I'm sure you'll enjoy it! This winner was generated using a random number generator created by Violets are Blue (although I still haven't totally given up on the drawing names out of a good old Abe Lincoln top hat idea).
Alright, here's another one for you moms out there. Check it out.

Blue Like Play Dough
the shape of motherhood in the grip of God giveaway
Does the name not say it all? Again, I just had to have this one based on the title alone, and I'm sure every mom who has ever wondered just how does Play-doh get their blue to be so electric feels the same. If it bothers you that there is actually a piece of orange play dough on the cover, when the title clearly refers to blue, you are not alone. But this book is a little all over the place like that. Here's the book jacket summary:
In the everyday stretch and squeeze of motherhood, Tricia Goyer often feels smooshed by the demands of life. In Blue Like Play Dough, she shares her unlikely journey from rebellious, pregnant teen to busy wife and mom with big dreams of her own. As her story unfolds, Tricia realizes that God has more in store for her than she has ever imagined possible.
Sure, life is messy and beset by doubts. But God keeps showing up in the most unlikely places–in a bowl of carrot soup, the umpteenth reading of Goodnight Moon, a woe-is me teen drama, or play dough in the hands of a child.
In Tricia’s transparent account, you’ll find understanding, laughter, and strength for your own story. And in the daily push and pull, you’ll learn to recognizes the loving hands of God at work in your life… and know He has something beautiful in mind.
Sound good? Well it was. Tricia Goyer has a great sense of humor, and this book was a fun read. I just love the imagery of making the connection between our relationship with God and play dough. She describes herself as a lump of play dough in God's hands, and the constant reminder that we are there to be shaped, stretched, pulled, formed and molded according to His specifications. It got me thinking even further about this play dough metaphor. Like how happy my toddler is to have the stuff in his hands, the joy shat shines through his face. That's the way God feels about us (when we're not fighting him during the process). Or maybe that we're not supposed to care if there's crumbs in it or (heaven forbid) the colors get mixed! Although it's hard to see at the time, those steps are all necessary in order to reach the final product. And if your kids are anything like mine, they sure have a way of seeing a magnificent creation amongst the neon orangish greenish garnished with Cheerios lump. Maybe that's why we are told to have child-like faith. This book helped put some perspective into my life full of twenty little curious fingers (yes, the little on is mobile now, VERY mobile). Tricia Goyer tells her story of raising three kids, making a big move, homeschooling, fulfilling her dreams of writing, all while keeping God at the center. Sound difficult? I guess that's the point. Although it is through her honest and humorous writing that I have found some of my own motivation. And I'd love for you to give it a read also!
OK, here's how to enter this one. If you are anything like me, you have trouble moving past making snakes or balls out of play dough. So, I'm asking you experts out there, what is the most creative thing you or your kiddos have made with play dough? Or what is your favorite 'tool' to use with play dough? Got a good play dough recipe? Or, remember the time you found play dough (insert really funny story here). Anything will do, as always this is just for fun!
To learn more or purchase the book online from Random House, click here.
Have you realized yet how great Blogging for Books is? Want to join? Check it out here.
Good luck and happy commenting!
Alright, here's another one for you moms out there. Check it out.

Blue Like Play Dough
the shape of motherhood in the grip of God giveaway
Does the name not say it all? Again, I just had to have this one based on the title alone, and I'm sure every mom who has ever wondered just how does Play-doh get their blue to be so electric feels the same. If it bothers you that there is actually a piece of orange play dough on the cover, when the title clearly refers to blue, you are not alone. But this book is a little all over the place like that. Here's the book jacket summary:
In the everyday stretch and squeeze of motherhood, Tricia Goyer often feels smooshed by the demands of life. In Blue Like Play Dough, she shares her unlikely journey from rebellious, pregnant teen to busy wife and mom with big dreams of her own. As her story unfolds, Tricia realizes that God has more in store for her than she has ever imagined possible.
Sure, life is messy and beset by doubts. But God keeps showing up in the most unlikely places–in a bowl of carrot soup, the umpteenth reading of Goodnight Moon, a woe-is me teen drama, or play dough in the hands of a child.
In Tricia’s transparent account, you’ll find understanding, laughter, and strength for your own story. And in the daily push and pull, you’ll learn to recognizes the loving hands of God at work in your life… and know He has something beautiful in mind.
Sound good? Well it was. Tricia Goyer has a great sense of humor, and this book was a fun read. I just love the imagery of making the connection between our relationship with God and play dough. She describes herself as a lump of play dough in God's hands, and the constant reminder that we are there to be shaped, stretched, pulled, formed and molded according to His specifications. It got me thinking even further about this play dough metaphor. Like how happy my toddler is to have the stuff in his hands, the joy shat shines through his face. That's the way God feels about us (when we're not fighting him during the process). Or maybe that we're not supposed to care if there's crumbs in it or (heaven forbid) the colors get mixed! Although it's hard to see at the time, those steps are all necessary in order to reach the final product. And if your kids are anything like mine, they sure have a way of seeing a magnificent creation amongst the neon orangish greenish garnished with Cheerios lump. Maybe that's why we are told to have child-like faith. This book helped put some perspective into my life full of twenty little curious fingers (yes, the little on is mobile now, VERY mobile). Tricia Goyer tells her story of raising three kids, making a big move, homeschooling, fulfilling her dreams of writing, all while keeping God at the center. Sound difficult? I guess that's the point. Although it is through her honest and humorous writing that I have found some of my own motivation. And I'd love for you to give it a read also!
OK, here's how to enter this one. If you are anything like me, you have trouble moving past making snakes or balls out of play dough. So, I'm asking you experts out there, what is the most creative thing you or your kiddos have made with play dough? Or what is your favorite 'tool' to use with play dough? Got a good play dough recipe? Or, remember the time you found play dough (insert really funny story here). Anything will do, as always this is just for fun!
To learn more or purchase the book online from Random House, click here.
Have you realized yet how great Blogging for Books is? Want to join? Check it out here.
Good luck and happy commenting!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Perfect Mess give-away

Yes folks, it's time for another Blogging for Books give-away! I just couldn't resist the title: A Perfect Mess, I mean come on, it's the story of my life! Here's a quick summary:
Caught up in the self-imposed pressure to do and be all the things they think a Christian woman ought to do and be, countless women are working desperately to convince everyone, including God, that they have it all together. Few have any idea that the Creator of the universe looks at them with delight even when they yell at the dog, drive a minivan littered with French fries, or think bad words about that rude clerk at the store.
Can you relate? I certainly could and Lisa Harper has to be one of the most down to earth, tell it like it is authors I have come across in a while. By journeying through selected Psalms, she has the ability to bring you from belly laughing to deep thoughts all within a few lines. This book also has an 'Enough about me. What about you?' section that has several questions at the end of each chapter. This would also make it a good book for a bible study or small group. To be honest when I'm reading these kinds of things by myself, I usually just skim or skip sections like this, but I think I felt obligated to give this one my all because, well, you really should read the whole thing in order to give a true blue review. But, I'm glad I did because these were really good questions! It's like I would read one and the world would stop because I really had to get quiet and think about it, which is hard for me to do! Lisa Harper really has a way with words, and I don't want to say it is an 'easy' read because it certainly got under the surface for me, but maybe that it reads very easily because it is just filled humorous illustrations and hilarious stories from her own life experiences, and I just love that! I also just love the idea of a perfect mess, and the reminder that it's in those moments that we can rest assured that God is still behind us (or maybe even alongside us, aiding in the clean up efforts).
And now for the good stuff, I have one brand new copy of A Perfect Mess by Lisa Harper to give away! To enter the give-away, all you have to do is stand on your head and type 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' ten times. Alright, kidding. In the comment section, tell me about the biggest mess you made, or helped make, or had ringside seats to witness someone else make (come on moms, I know you've got some stories ;) The winner will be chosen at random on Tuesday, July 28th, but don't delay, comment today!
To learn more or purchase the book online, try here.
Wondering what Blogging for Books is? Think you may be interested? Try here.
Good luck and check back next week to see who the lucky winner is. I know people, it's not the lottery, but it is a free book (well free for you, I pay the shipping). But last time we had all of five entries, so odds are in your favor :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
and the winner is....
Kelly from A Goddess Rising! Check out her site, she's an amazing photographer, and I have no idea how she has time with five little girls underfoot! They are precious, too! Congrats Kelly, I hope you enjoy it!
Check back, the next book give-away is right around the corner, promise!
In case you were wondering, I did debate about tossing names into a hat, but the winner was actually generated by this time. Might have to check the local Goodwill for one of those Abe Lincoln top hat types and get creative next time.
Check back, the next book give-away is right around the corner, promise!
In case you were wondering, I did debate about tossing names into a hat, but the winner was actually generated by this time. Might have to check the local Goodwill for one of those Abe Lincoln top hat types and get creative next time.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Holy Roller give-away

Julie Lyons was working as a crime reporter when she followed a hunch into the South Dallas ghetto. She wasn’t hunting drug dealers, but drug addicts who had been supernaturally healed of their addictions. Was there a church in the most violent part of the city that prayed for addicts and got results?
At The Body of Christ Assembly, a rundown church on an out-of-the-way street, Lyons found the story she was looking for. The minister welcomed criminals, prostitutes, and street people–anyone who needed God. He prayed for the sick, the addicted, and the demon-possessed, and people were supernaturally healed.
Lyons’s story landed on the front page of the Dallas Times Herald. But she got much more than just a great story, she found an unlikely spiritual home. Though the parishioners at The Body of Christ Assembly are black and Pentecostal, and Lyons is white and from a traditional church background, she embraced their spirituality–that of “the Holy Ghost and fire.”
In case you were wondering what I thought of the book, let me paint a picture for you. It's 11pm and you've finally just got your daughter to sleep in her crib after being up the past two nights sick with the stomach flu, you finish the last minute packing because you are scheduled to leave at 3am to start the 2,000 mile road trip back home and probably should take advantage of this precious sleeping time (all 4 hours), but instead you find yourself spending the next hour or so deeply engrossed in Holy Roller. True story. For some reason I was expecting something much different after reading the summary, and although it didn't quite go in the direction I thought it would, I still felt this book was a good read (obviously if I'm foolishly burning the midnight oil to do so). But then again I love to hear people's stories, and this truly ends up being a book about her story (her being Julie Lyons, the author). And she is a very interesting lady let me tell you. I found her spiritual journey to be very engaging, encouraging, and even a bit freeing. I'd also love to be a fly on the wall in her Dallas church! Well, are you ready to read it for yourself? Since this is the first giveaway, we'll start out easy, and to enter all you have to do is give me the name of a book that has been inspiring to you. Or if that's too hard, just give me your name. Seriously, just write something, even a few letters, or better yet symbols (Windings anyone?) You have until 12AM Friday, July 17th, as I will announce the lucky winner that day. So go forth and comment.
And now the fine print: To learn more or purchase this book at please visit here
And if you are interested in joining the Blogging for Books program, which I highly suggest (hello, free books!) here's that link.
Did I mention this is a brand new hardcover book I have to give away. So get commenting!
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