Alright, here's another one for you moms out there. Check it out.

Blue Like Play Dough
the shape of motherhood in the grip of God giveaway
Does the name not say it all? Again, I just had to have this one based on the title alone, and I'm sure every mom who has ever wondered just how does Play-doh get their blue to be so electric feels the same. If it bothers you that there is actually a piece of orange play dough on the cover, when the title clearly refers to blue, you are not alone. But this book is a little all over the place like that. Here's the book jacket summary:
In the everyday stretch and squeeze of motherhood, Tricia Goyer often feels smooshed by the demands of life. In Blue Like Play Dough, she shares her unlikely journey from rebellious, pregnant teen to busy wife and mom with big dreams of her own. As her story unfolds, Tricia realizes that God has more in store for her than she has ever imagined possible.
Sure, life is messy and beset by doubts. But God keeps showing up in the most unlikely places–in a bowl of carrot soup, the umpteenth reading of Goodnight Moon, a woe-is me teen drama, or play dough in the hands of a child.
In Tricia’s transparent account, you’ll find understanding, laughter, and strength for your own story. And in the daily push and pull, you’ll learn to recognizes the loving hands of God at work in your life… and know He has something beautiful in mind.
Sound good? Well it was. Tricia Goyer has a great sense of humor, and this book was a fun read. I just love the imagery of making the connection between our relationship with God and play dough. She describes herself as a lump of play dough in God's hands, and the constant reminder that we are there to be shaped, stretched, pulled, formed and molded according to His specifications. It got me thinking even further about this play dough metaphor. Like how happy my toddler is to have the stuff in his hands, the joy shat shines through his face. That's the way God feels about us (when we're not fighting him during the process). Or maybe that we're not supposed to care if there's crumbs in it or (heaven forbid) the colors get mixed! Although it's hard to see at the time, those steps are all necessary in order to reach the final product. And if your kids are anything like mine, they sure have a way of seeing a magnificent creation amongst the neon orangish greenish garnished with Cheerios lump. Maybe that's why we are told to have child-like faith. This book helped put some perspective into my life full of twenty little curious fingers (yes, the little on is mobile now, VERY mobile). Tricia Goyer tells her story of raising three kids, making a big move, homeschooling, fulfilling her dreams of writing, all while keeping God at the center. Sound difficult? I guess that's the point. Although it is through her honest and humorous writing that I have found some of my own motivation. And I'd love for you to give it a read also!
OK, here's how to enter this one. If you are anything like me, you have trouble moving past making snakes or balls out of play dough. So, I'm asking you experts out there, what is the most creative thing you or your kiddos have made with play dough? Or what is your favorite 'tool' to use with play dough? Got a good play dough recipe? Or, remember the time you found play dough (insert really funny story here). Anything will do, as always this is just for fun!
To learn more or purchase the book online from Random House, click here.
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ReplyDeleteElla loves to use her shapes, from her little toy where she puts the shapes through their holes, you know which one Im talking about. She loves making circles and triangles. She is even saying circle now bc of it!
ReplyDeleteSorry, she's not old enough to play with play-doh yet. Give us a year or so then we'll get back to you.